Tuesday, August 31, 2010

592 我就愛咖啡 - 592 Coffee

592 我就愛咖啡 (502 Coffee)

I recommend 592 Coffee. Located in Taichung city. A new restaurant that just opened not too long ago. Went there for the first time the other day with my aunt and thought the food was good. The atmosphere of the restaurant is nice too, though it's not a big restaurant. There weren't that many people when we went, I don't think many people know about the place yet, since they just recently opened so business may not be super great, but the food is worth trying out.

It's really close to my aunt's, so I would definitely go back and try it again sometime when I go back to Taichung. I definitely recommend it to others, so if you're interested you can check it out

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